
Hotels are the new Hospitals

Since the year 2020, and the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, hotels and other form of hospitality companies are slowly becoming hospitals. Hospitals are so overburdened with patients that there is a need for more beds and hotels are the best alternative. Hotels, Inns, Motels, Dorms and other types of accommodation are being converted into Hospitals. A lot is currently changing for medical tourism and real estate in this new information age and there are industries that are slowly transforming. In order to adapt to this change companies will have to pivot and take risks to survive. These risks include becoming more of an internet company and leveraging the internet to communicate with the world.  The travel industry is at a standstill which means that the billions of people projected to contract COVID-19 are now looking to closed hotels to help the healthcare organizations with bed space. The plan is to turn hotels into shelters for coronavirus patients with mild symptoms, others as q

Medical Tourism and REAL ESTATE

Patients have always been seeking better and/or more affordable healthcare in other countries. In some cases, a particular medical treatment may not be available in their country and patients are required to travel overseas in order to get treatment. This reality has existed from the beginning of healthcare and will continue after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed. The structure and medium through which medical tourism is facilitated will be different and now it will rely heavily on the internet. Internet companies such as Airbnb and Homestay has changed a lot of the structure of the travel industry and most tourists are seeking affordable accommodations from homeowners more often than from hoteliers. After COVID-19, an airbnb for medical tourism will allow qualified medical professionals to act as hosts that accommodate patients as their guests. These medical professionals will have to adapt a strategy of operating a medical hotel instead of just a mere medical center or hospital. This

Homeowners are the new Hoteliers

A new era of hospitality and real estate investment has emerged with home-sharing internet companies such as Airbnb and VRBO. Homeowners and apartment landlords can operate like hotels and compete with major hotel chains such as Marriott International. The extent of the competition is evident in the fact that Marriott has started its own home-sharing business in order to compete with technology companies such as Airbnb. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the travel and hospitality industry and most hotel chains and airline businesses are suffering financially at this moment. A revolution is about to take place in the tourism industry as a result of the internet and will make homeowners the new hoteliers via home-sharing internet companies such as AIRBNB.  There will be more travelers seeking affordable accommodations in the future and this will be the solution that the internet will provide. The internet levels the playing field in the hospitality and hotel industry and allows all homeo

The information age of REAL ESTATE

The real estate industry is changing with technology. Persons are now viewing properties online in order to make a decision whether to rent, purchase or not. Videos and pictures of real estate posted online are even more relevant now in the year 2020 since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. There is a revolution in how every form of business is conducted since more persons are working from home now. Gav-Inns 2020 is the real estate company created for the information age. There have been major technology companies that have been created which do not own any real estate but have generated revenue from other people's properties. There are several business models which facilitate this type of revenue generation in real estate and allow technology companies to flourish without taking a mortgage or finding the money to purchase major properties. Two companies which have flourished in the technology space of real estate include Wework and Airbnb. None of these two companies own any real